A la Une

En coulisse: la tension monte entre Alger et Madrid

Entre l’Algérie et l’Espagne, la crise s'intensifie

Behind the scenes: the tension between Algiers and Madrid

As tension mounts between Algiers and Madrid, several Spanish experts have cast doubt on Russia’s role in Algeria’s alienation from Spain.
Less nuanced, the famous APS cable sees in it « a pathetic appeal to the United States and NATO to rescue a little minister who is too stressed after his vain attempts to mobilize the EU ». « Albarez also did not grow up exacerbating the crisis between Algeria and Spain and wrapping it in language borrowed from the Cold War, » the official body continued. .
According to the daily El País, the Spanish government did not want to respond for the moment to the attack against the official Algerian news agency. « Government sources have assured Spain that there are no plans for a diplomatic protest, as the goal is to resolve the crisis with Algeria, not to provide an excuse for continued verbal escalation, » he said. the minutes. But adding that the Algerian authorities “must see clearly that there will always be a firm defense of Spain’s interests”.
On the Algerian side, official sources affirm that « the problem is not with Spain, the Spanish state, but with this government ». The same authorized sources decide: « there is almost nothing to hope for from the Sanchez executive », insinuating that Algiers will wait, to restore dialogue, for the election of a next government after the legislative elections of 2023.

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