Mauritanie : le gouvernement lance un projet d’eau potable à 55 millions $

Mauritania: Government launches $55 million drinking water supply project for several towns

(Ecofin Agency) – As part of the implementation of its expanded priority program, Mauritania is leading a vast initiative aimed at improving the living conditions of the population. A program in which water and sanitation constitute a major axis.

The Mauritanian government launched, on Sunday June 26, a project to supply drinking water to several cities in the country for an amount of nearly 55 million dollars, we learned from the Mauritanian News Agency.

This project will allow the construction of 85 km of pipeline, a pumping station, 35 km of power lines and 3 reservoirs. Water supply will be in the towns of Digueni and Weinatt Zbel from Lake Dhar.

According to the mayor of the commune of Weinatt Zbel, Jeddou Ould Tar, the initiative aims to « ensure the access of the populations to essential services ». A day earlier, the government delegation, headed by the Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation, Sidi Mohamed Ould Taleb Amar, was in Aioun for the launch of the project in this city.

It should be noted that the government has already built 107 sanitation infrastructures in the wilaya of Hodh Echarghi for the benefit of certain schools and health posts. The financing of the project is accompanied by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD).

Jean-Marc Gogbeu
Ecofin Agency

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