Le conflit russo-ukrainien n’est pas résolu, et le Sahara occidental est à nouveau en difficulté

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has not been resolved, and Western Sahara is again in trouble, and that is always a good thing done by the United States.

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No one would have thought that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine was not yet resolved, a new dispute has arisen in the region of Western Sahara near Europe, and this time, unsurprisingly, it is a good thing done by the United States, and Europe becomes miserable again by the United States!

A few days ago, Algeria issued a declaration deciding to suspend the treaty of friendship, good neighborliness, and cooperation signed with Spain. As for the reason, the presidential palace in Algiers also said that it was all because Spain changed its neutral attitude on the Western Sahara issue. Support Morocco, which led to the decision of the Algerian homeland.

The question of Western Sahara, in simple terms, is a disputed territory between Algeria and Morocco. Both sides have deep grievances over this. There have been fierce armed conflicts but mediated by the United Nations.

The contradiction between the two countries on Western Sahara

In this armed conflict, Spain, as a neighbor of these two countries and a former colonist of Western Sahara, its position is very important for both parties, it is precisely for this reason that on the question of the Sahara, the Spain has long maintained its neutrality until the United States began to poke its nose.

Two years ago, the White House issued, as a reminder, a statement affirming that the United States would support Morocco on the question of Western Sahara as long as Morocco was willing to establish formal diplomatic relations with Israel. There is therefore no doubt that the United States has directly upset the traditional balance in Western Sahara. Subsequently, the military cooperation agreement signed by Morocco and Israel touched the very sensitive and neuralgic point of Algeria. Currently, the arms race between the two countries is about to break out, but after all, over-criticized Spain is no longer neutral, so the situation cannot be stabilized.

READ MORE: Algeria suspends its friendship treaty with Spain, the question of Western Sahara resurfaces

Some time ago, no doubt because of pressure from the United States, or simply to cooperate with American policy, Spain suddenly announced its support for the Moroccan autonomy project for the southern wilayas. Spain’s recent statement is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The positions of the United States and Spain have changed successively, which means that all of Europe and the Western world can support Morocco. The West is unwilling to listen to Algeria’s proposal since the friendship treaty with Spain is suspended and relations between the two are cold.

With Sohu

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